Monday, November 3, 2008

France and New York

This week is back to normal at Home Style after two months of variety for me - although business has been ably managed by Terri, Ged and Vicki in my absence.

First was a magical holiday in France, a 20th wedding anniversary trip providing space to think on a larger scale. Chateaux and scenery with Eddie Izzard on TomTom allowing me to put the map down and enjoy the ride.

Next came the rapid run-up to the Canterbury Home Show - Ged and I were on the stand from Friday morning to Sunday night talking to hundreds of people and selling the newly released audio CD "How to Prepare a House For Sale." The audio takes you through your home step by step to add $1,000s to the price of your home - show special price of $45 (including Postage and Handling) still applies. You can buy now by credit card through PayPal

or email me at to arrange payment.

Two days after the Home Show I left for New York to attend Robert McKee's Story course, predominantly for screen writers but the elements and principles of story apply equally to novels. The course was fabulous and New York spectacular, golden leaves and sunshine.

And now back to the office. Time to create the vision for the next 12 months and beyond!

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